Friday, 20 May 2016


 We preformed a play about time. The purpose of this play is to show you that time is important and that you should not be lazy and stay at home all the time and accomplish nothing to satisfy you. Our group did well but could remember the lines and put more effort along with making the play more clear,

Thursday, 12 May 2016


Our group preformed very well but could improve on the timing.Our group listened to each others idea and came up with a great one.Our idea was to find whats under the mysterious box. Our group had some troubles since one of our team member was  absent but we still did it because we were ready and  confident.

Next time we can practice even more to make the box performance  more realistic and clear on whats happening to give then a better view. .

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Our group of Orpheus and Eurydice

There were four sciences my group did , telling the parents of Orpheus that he married Eurydice, Eurydice dies, the underworld and how Orpheus dies .

Our group did very well , but we could've made the story more clear and make our script more interesting . Our was very dramatic , emotional and some of us were loud . Our group could be more confident as well  as more creative