Thursday, 2 June 2016

Giovanni the clown

My group and i preformed about Giovanni and added our own twist.  our story is about a clown called Giovanni  and he got fired because the management found a better clown who was more younger and entertaining. From stress and anxiety Giovanni walks along a path and finds a river and as he washes his face he sees a very sad old face. Our group decided that when Giovanni touches the water , the water which is Adam and i lift to give water life and make it look really realistic. Bhavya is the water fountain but could do some wavey actions to make it obvious that he is  a waterfall

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

physical theater letter

That says physical theater and our group couldn't send and finish we love drama

Friday, 20 May 2016


 We preformed a play about time. The purpose of this play is to show you that time is important and that you should not be lazy and stay at home all the time and accomplish nothing to satisfy you. Our group did well but could remember the lines and put more effort along with making the play more clear,

Thursday, 12 May 2016


Our group preformed very well but could improve on the timing.Our group listened to each others idea and came up with a great one.Our idea was to find whats under the mysterious box. Our group had some troubles since one of our team member was  absent but we still did it because we were ready and  confident.

Next time we can practice even more to make the box performance  more realistic and clear on whats happening to give then a better view. .

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Our group of Orpheus and Eurydice

There were four sciences my group did , telling the parents of Orpheus that he married Eurydice, Eurydice dies, the underworld and how Orpheus dies .

Our group did very well , but we could've made the story more clear and make our script more interesting . Our was very dramatic , emotional and some of us were loud . Our group could be more confident as well  as more creative

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Drama mask reflection


What went well ?
What went well for me is that i found the right skin color and the mask was easy to cut to exaggerate the mouth and the eyes 
What did not work?
The details did not work because it was hard to paint the details and it was hard  to look symmetrical 
How could you improve next time?
Next time i could exaggerate the cheek bones and make the eyebrows bushy and more thick

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

The scene of Oedipus killing the chariot man

Today in class we preformed one of the scenes from Oedipus and the Sphinx and our scene was how Oedipus killed the chariot man . What i found confusing and tricky was preforming the unison but it got easier later on , our team did very well in over exaggerating , they were very confident  and showed a lot of facial expressions to make the scene dramatic and full of action. In my opinion i think our group collaborated and organised the scene very well . I found the Oedipus and the Sphinx very interesting as well as the whole Greek theatre topic. we could have improved on the unison because there were small issues and also could improve the script to grab the readers attention.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016


Unit: Music

1. Affective skills
2. Self management 
3. Reflection 

Rotation: Visual Art   Drama   Music

MYP Year 7/8/9

Inquiry Question:

Key Concept:

Global Context:
Name: Alissa shah

Form: 7A

Date: 9 / 03 / 16  

All tasks you undertake for this Unit, in class and independently at home, are designed to cover all of the MYP Criteria. This gives you an opportunity to gain the best level possible in each criterion.

MYP Art Grade Level Boundaries

Learner Profile Attributes I have used during this Unit:

If you work to the best of your ability, challenge yourself, and take risks you will gain the best grade possible at MYP.


A Knowing & Understanding 0-8

B Developing Skills 0-8

C Thinking Creatively 0-8

D Responding 0-8

Criteria I need to improve on next time:

 Newly acquired ATL and Arts skills I have learnt:
Where you will find Evidence of what I did well:

What I found challenging whilst doing this Unit:

The Arts MYP Year 789 Reflection

Approaches to Learning (ATL) Highlight the ATLs you used
Communication Skills
How did you communicate through meaningful interaction?
Exchanging thoughts, messages and information effectively through interaction:

How did you demonstrate communication through Language?
Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information:

Collaboration Skills
Explain how you used collaboration skills?
Working effectively with others:

Organization Skills
How did you demonstrate organization skills?

Affective Skills
How did you manage your own behaviour?
Managing State of Mind:
Mindfulness: Practice focus and concentration/ Practice strategies to overcome distractions
Perseverance: Demonstrate persistence and perseverance
Emotional Management: Practice strategies to prevent and eliminate bullying/Practice strategies to reduce stress and anxiety
 Self-Motivation: Practice positive thinking
Resilience: Practice dealing with challenge/Practice dealing with disappointment and unmet expectations

Reflection Skills
How did you use reflective skills to improve your work during the unit?

Information Literacy Skills
How did you develop information literacy skills?

Media Literacy Skills
How can students demonstrate media literacy?
Interacting with media to use and create ideas and information:-
Critical Thinking Skills
How did you think critically?
Creative Thinking Skills
How did you think creatively?
Transfer Skills
How did you transfer skills and knowledge from other subject areas?

My Target Improvements for next term are:

How did you develop your ATL Skills? Reflect on how you used the ATLs throughout this unit. Give evidence to support your answers. Did you manage to master any?

I organize my time wisely when it comes to homework and I meet my deadline. I managed my behavior by focusing and listening in class. I try to spend little time on my device and I make sure my blog is up to date and I have to make sure my homework is done .  I ignore people and mind my own business if someone is trying to bully me  , and If I am stressed I solve my problems one by one . I'm still working on thinking more positive and I'm getting there . When I'm dealing with disappointment , I do get upset but I try to think positive and I know there is still time to improve.  I used reflective skills when we had  to reflect on peters theme , wolfs theme and hunters theme and when we had to post a treble clef on blogger . I Learned the treble clef and how to find a C in the piano . I also learned the name of the notes  for example : crochet , semi brieve , quaver , minim  and I also learned pitch  and what pitch means.

A: Knowing & Understanding
·         Explain what knowledge & Understanding you have gained during the unit.
·         Can you explain what you have been learning about during your Arts rotation?
·         Have you learnt any new arts language and terminology?
·         Have you learnt a critical thinking process for your rotation, explain it.
·         Have you learnt about the historical/cultural context of your art form?

B: Developing Skills
·         Explain which Arts skills you have acquired and developed during the unit?
·        How did you use apply these new skills and techniques to create, perform and/or present art?

C: Thinking Creatively
·        Explain what your artistic intention was, why did you make this art form what was its function and purpose?
·        Can you explain if you considered your work from an alternative perspective, i.e., the impact on the audience/or developed your work to communicate a focused message
·        How did you demonstrate the exploration of ideas during the unit?
D: Responding
·         Evaluate and assess your artistic response during the unit.
·         Does your work demonstrated a movement/genre/theme/concept and how?

1.     What could you do to improve your performance in this rotation?

2.     What areas of improvement do you need to focus on?

3.     How could you improve your learning experience in the next rotation?
Use the questions to help focus your answers so you give a strong reflection on your individual performance:

I’ve learnt how to play hunters , peters and wolfs theme. I also learnt tips and tricks to get your notes right  for the treble clef.
The reason we did this project is too express art for example , the peters theme , using specific notes describes peter and try’s to express peters attributes .
I’ve learnt how to think creatively , reflect and self management. The purpose of this is so that we can learn new and interesting things that we didn’t know and to test us on our knowledge . I  demonstrated the exploration of ideas during the unit by putting my work on blogger for proof.

My work mostly demonstrates movement , for example the piano and the themes.

I can put more effort to improve my performance this rotation. I need to improve on reflecting on my work. I can improve my learning by listening to instructions and working hard.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Mixcraft for dummies

Mix craft for dummies

  1.  If there is someones work just close it .
  2. On the top left you may see a sign that says video , click on it.
  3. Then press download from deskstop , these few steps have helped you apply a video.
  4. Connnect wire to the piano and if  you like to replace the original audio with your piano this is how ....
  5.  play the piano and press the red button on the bottom to record 
  6. when your done if you want to change the piano instrument press on the button with the picture of a piano.
  7. Delete the original audio so the instrument can be heard
  8.  listen to your peice and make it perfect.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

string family

string family

it's made of wood,its called the string family because the bodies of the string instruments, which are hollow inside to allow sound to vibrate within them, are made of different kinds of wood, but the part of the instrument that makes the sound is the strings, which are made of nylon, steel .

The strings are the largest family of instruments in the orchestra and they come in four sizes: the violin, which is the smallest, violacello, and the biggest, the double bass. the instruments make different sound some low pitched and some high pitched . 

String instruments are known as chordophones, a term that comes from the Greek which means voice or sound. Sound is made by each instrument in the family by plucking with the fingers or rubbing the  bow across a string. Each instrument also comes in a variety of sizes.

the violin: The Violin is the smallest, and is  the highest in pitch. It is also the most popular. It is played with the instrument under the chin while sitting or standing.

The Viola: The Viola is very similar to the violin, only slightly larger, and is a little lower in pitch. It may be played while sitting or standing

the cello: The Cello is much larger and lower than the viola, and must be played while sitting with the instrument between the knees. 

the string bass: The String Bass is the largest and lowest string instrument in the orchestra. It is played while standing or sitting on a stool.


the  theme was more harder and longer then the other theme, i found the peters theme a little difficult , i just need to practice.

Monday, 25 January 2016

treble clef

treble clef 

I learned the rhyme , the notes , what is a staff line , the spaces and how many lines there are.
i also learned  how to find " C" on a piano  .

Saturday, 9 January 2016

The Orchestra family

The Orchestra Family

The four main families

  • The String Family

  • The Brass Family

  • The Woodwind Family

  • The Percussion Family   

The string family

  • The string family includes  the violin, guitar, sitar, electric bass,viola, cello, harp, double bass, banjo, mandolin, ukulele, and etc.
  • The strings are the largest family of instruments
  • The Strings family are made out of wood.
  • The strings are played by drawing a bow across them.

The percussion family 

  • The percussion family is the largest in the orchestra. 
  • Makes a sound when it is hit , scraped and shaken. 
    The-Percussion-Family-The-Bird-Feed.png (1651×1275)
  • They can sound different because they are tuned like the xylophone, piano, etc.
  • Percussionists play many instruments in one piece of music.
  • The percussion family includes  timpani ,xylophone  cymbals, triangle, snare drum, bass 
    drum, tambourine, maracas, gongs, chimes, celesta and piano.

The-Woodwind-Family-The-Bird-Feed.png (1651×1275)

The Woodwind Family

  •  The woodwind includes, from the highest sounding instruments to the lowest.
  • The woodwind family includes the flute, The piccolo, English Horn, clarinet, E-flat clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, etc.
  • You play the woodwind by blowing air through the mouth piece.
  • Not all woodwind instruments are made out of wood. They can be made from different types of metal and plastic.

The Brass family 

  • They have 5 major instruments which are: The Trumpet/Cornet, the French Horn, the 
    Trombone, the Baritone/Euphonium, and the 
  •  Sound is made by buzzing the lips together into the mouth piecce .
  • They are made of wood, tusks, animal horns or shells.
  • Today's modern instruments are made of brass.