Saturday, 9 January 2016

The Orchestra family

The Orchestra Family

The four main families

  • The String Family

  • The Brass Family

  • The Woodwind Family

  • The Percussion Family   

The string family

  • The string family includes  the violin, guitar, sitar, electric bass,viola, cello, harp, double bass, banjo, mandolin, ukulele, and etc.
  • The strings are the largest family of instruments
  • The Strings family are made out of wood.
  • The strings are played by drawing a bow across them.

The percussion family 

  • The percussion family is the largest in the orchestra. 
  • Makes a sound when it is hit , scraped and shaken. 
    The-Percussion-Family-The-Bird-Feed.png (1651×1275)
  • They can sound different because they are tuned like the xylophone, piano, etc.
  • Percussionists play many instruments in one piece of music.
  • The percussion family includes  timpani ,xylophone  cymbals, triangle, snare drum, bass 
    drum, tambourine, maracas, gongs, chimes, celesta and piano.

The-Woodwind-Family-The-Bird-Feed.png (1651×1275)

The Woodwind Family

  •  The woodwind includes, from the highest sounding instruments to the lowest.
  • The woodwind family includes the flute, The piccolo, English Horn, clarinet, E-flat clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, etc.
  • You play the woodwind by blowing air through the mouth piece.
  • Not all woodwind instruments are made out of wood. They can be made from different types of metal and plastic.

The Brass family 

  • They have 5 major instruments which are: The Trumpet/Cornet, the French Horn, the 
    Trombone, the Baritone/Euphonium, and the 
  •  Sound is made by buzzing the lips together into the mouth piecce .
  • They are made of wood, tusks, animal horns or shells.
  • Today's modern instruments are made of brass.


  1. You have forgotten to post your introduction to term 2 page. Please could you add this. You will need to clearly label your post as it will not be in the right order now.

  2. You have correctly identified the 4 families well done. In the string family you have included some instruments that are not part of the orchestral string family... Please find out which ones you should remove & then add a comment here to show you have made that progress. Your woodwind & percussion are accurate. Your brass have a few strangers in there for an orchestra! Add these to you string comment please. Otherwise well done. I like the inclusion of pictures.
    Criteria A: Knowledge & Understanding: 5
