Monday, 23 January 2017


This week we are definitely putting more effort as the art team is pretty much done.We still are working on the feed backs we are given, we have finalized our instruments which is a guitar , Piano and a key board.I have been improving on my guitar skills and i have extended the guitar part, i am mostly playing the guitar when one of the musicians are playing the soft part because playing a lower key will drain the sound of the guitar.This lesson was very important as miss gave us a very good  advice  that we should record the narration as we have very little art students, which means the narrator has to move the puppets and narrate or that one of the musicians have to play the instrument and read which is very difficult to manage. Since we might record the narration we have to work on the music timing which could be a little hard but we need to find a way. We also need to figure out the length of the different instrument sections. We have to edit the narration with the lily's theme because all the instruments are draining the sound which makes it useless to use, but the effect it gives in the beginning is very eerie which we think is important ; so we have a lot of things to get through.

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